This space will contain the magnificent work of our Pre kinder children as they journey themselves into this new, creative learning experience. The integrated project is aimed at developing all the skills that students need to interact assertively in this complex environment. Math Science, English and Dance are taught through the lens of each trimester´s theme: Body, Land and City

As you will see, the Pre Kinder Projects' main goal is to guide the students' learning process so they can learn concepts and develop many important skills through imaginative play and interaction.

Have Fun!

Friday, September 17, 2010

M - Mouse

This week the students learned the vocabulary related to the letter M : mouse, monkey, moon, milk, mother, mask and muffin. They experimented with the sense of touch and taste and worked with their arms and fingers to feel different textures! They developed fun counting activities where they made sets of 5. They also reinforced the vocabulary about emotions.

Mariangela is feeling the rough texture of the gray mouse skin.
Teacher Laura introducing the letter /M/ vocabulary

Alejandro is feeling happy because he made the two mice fall in love!

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